Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Havent posted in forever....

Sigh, been practicing and cant wait for AE to release on consoles so I can practice Yang with out losing tons of tokens and getting blown up, might still stick with Ken, I like Ken, he's stupidly flashy and has some fun B'n'bs. Been playing Marvel and I think my Wesker, Ammy, Doom is a really solid team and I've been working on its synergy and I've been using Deadpool, Sentinel, Doom as a back up. I like Dr. Doom, dude is a combo machine and he destroys some characters while having some monster assists, Ammy is god tier and Wesker is the best damn anchor in the game with Lvl 3 X-factor. My Deadpool team is just fun, has some good loops and relaunch combos that just make my happy when I pull them off.

In other news, I have a new job, helps me save arcade money haha

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So I went to Arcade UFO the other day and got thrashed by fubarduck and viet, so I've redoubled my efforts. Also I'm thinking I'm gonna stick with Ken, after I got his kara throw game going his step kick mix up is so much fun. I have a ton of practice to do though but know that I know what the skill gap is I'm not that far behind anymore...

I'm going to the arcade more often!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gonna make a combo video

Dont have the equipment or the knowhow so how can this fail? I have better than average tech skill so im gonna see if i can make one

Monday, September 27, 2010

Gotta write something

Well this blog is pretty empty when I look at it and I'm fixing that at least a little bit...

I think I'm going to pick up playing Rose because quite frankly I'm tired of Ryu, don't really like Ken and never had an interest in Akuma. Plus She has a good fireball strong anti-airs a great back dash and my favorite ultra in the game. Plus it'll be nice to hop out of the ole' comfort zone for a while.